The Seductive, Puzzling Films of Nelly Kaplan | Vague Visages

With their uncomfortable blend of sexual politics, dark comedy, quirky star power and social and moral critique, it’s no wonder moviegoers didn’t know what to make of filmmaker Nelly Kaplan’s satirical stories when they were first released. But a new retrospective from Quad Cinema proves the forward-thinking French-Argentine director's provocative and playful films are equally as relevant and enjoyable today.

Sean Price Williams, The Cinematographer Behind All Your Favorite Underground Films | Interview Magazine

A profile of cinematographer Sean Price Williams, a leading imagemaker and underground hero, who’s crafted gorgeous visuals for films like Good TimeHeaven Knows WhatListen Up Philip and more. "I encourage people because I think they might make a good movie,” he says. “I'm really not happy with the people that have been making movies, so I want to help new people make movies. It's as simple as that."